Sunday, October 17, 2021

Scrap book page. Free Turtle informs us in the comments that this is Don Tonry by Lon of New York. He was a member of the 1960 U.S. gymnastics team in the Olympics. Thanks!



  1. Those tan lines indicate a suit that was pretty risque for the times. He's well oiled, and it looks like there's oil on his scrotum, too. Would it have been common to have a man's penis and scrotum oiled?

  2. Don Tonry by Lon of New York. He was a member of the 1960 U.S. gymnastics team in the Olympics.

  3. Google search "Don Tonry olympics" pulls up a mountain of information on his life as a gymnast as well as a couple more Lon pics - sadly, he passed in 2013 after dealing with many medical issues over his lifetime -

    1. Wow what a life he led. He and Abbie Grossfield, his best friend, were gymnastics legends right here in Connecticut and I had never heard of either of them!

  4. I checked my compiter files for Don Tonry pics and sure enough I had some downloaded many years ago - most are by Lon from assorted magazines and most of them have a posing strap inked in for publication as was common then - there are a couple where he uses the name Roger Vail with photos taken by Don Young for Eastern Model Associates - one pic of him sitting on a Grecian pedestal is attributed to Olympia Studios - an interesting side note with one of the pics discussing Tonrys gymnastic abilities and scholarships is that photographer Lon was a talented organist, active in church work and sometimes gave recitals- amazing the info that is out there on the magic web lol


Helmut with shades and without.