Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Vintage magazine Saxon's Stars. Some of these have been posted here before in different versions. Just click the Troy Saxon tag below the photos to see them all.



  1. It's been said some of the finest beef comes from Kansas City !
    Troy Saxon - Phineas Stuart " Pinky" Rosenberg of Kansas City, one of a few lesser known physique photographers
    who need more exposure.
    Rj in the IE

  2. I really enjoyed this post! Troy Saxon (real name Stuart "Pinky" Rosenberg) is an underappreciated photographer. He was on a spring break trip to California in 1958 when he was recruited to model while at a beach. Not long after, he decided that he could be a photographer himself. Thanks for posting this great little magazine.

    1. Glad you enjoy! And thanks for the biographical facts on Troy Saxon/ Stuart "Pinky" Rosenberg.

  3. Where would I find the Troy Saxon hashtag? I don't see one anywhere in this post... I am a new reader, thank you for the blog! I love vintage porn, and the men from vintage porn! What a trip back in time.

    1. On a PC it's just below the bottom photo, and also in the alphabetical list of labels on the right side of the blog, starting below the archive dates.


Helmut with shades and without.