Thursday, November 17, 2022

Two by Al Urban. I come across so few of his photos that I'm never sure of the models' names. His style is not to everyone's tastes but he sure had muscular models.



  1. I agree that Al Urban's style is not to everyone's liking, but he pioneered nude physique photography at a time when it was a totally new phenomenon and illegal. He began with "legitimate" photos for men's health and bodybuilding magazines as early as 1935, and took up nude work shortly thereafter at the urging of bodybuilder and men's clothing model David Asnis. The only other photographers doing anything remotely similar at the time were Edwin Townsend and Earle Forbes, both of whom did not distribute or publicly exhibit their nudes. Bob Mizer of AMG once quipped, "Al Urban has made a good living for years photographing the men with the smallest dicks in America." That was at least partially true, but the man was way ahead of his time. Lon Hanagan, aka Lon of New York, followed in his footsteps, and the two were friends. All the other great classic era physique photographers didn't get cranking until after World War II.

    1. Thank you for the history and perspective on Al Urban's nudes! He style sure was meticulous, especially compared to the kitsch and camp often produced by Bob Mizer, who by the way photographed plenty of men with average or smaller dicks, so he was no one to point fingers.

  2. Okay you guys! I enjoy looking at small penises; actually I like looking at all of them, but I definitely prefer men with smaller penises.


Some kind of bathing suit optional race.

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