Wednesday, September 18, 2024

This looks a lot like Kid Pomer, one of Jean Ferrero's physique models from the South of France from the 1950's and 60's, but if so it's the first indoor shot of his I've seen.



  1. I have another photo from this shoot and it is listed as Kid Pomer. I checked with outdoor shots and best match point is the appendix scar in the photos. The indoor shots show a relaxed face, guessing he did not have to squint in the sun. Thanks for the pic.

  2. Ferrero en plus d’être photographe physique, possédait également une galerie d’art à Nice. Kid Pomer a participé au concours France Apollo, le nom Kid Pomer a été utilisé pour atirrer la clientèle américaine de Ferrero. :)


Some kind of bathing suit optional race.

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