Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tom Talbot.



  1. Blondische blondie
    Schöne Körperbauporträts des Jugendlichen Talbot.

  2. Handsome Tom Talbot a willing subject in photos by Douglas Juleff, notice he used Ansco safety film. Juleff would at times photograph his models at Hudson’s department store in Detroit, where Juleff worked, after hours at the displays in the furniture department !
    Juleff worked at Hudson’s photography studio, and also helped with merchandise displays and window dressing.
    Juleff at his home studio used a graphic 4x5 format camera with two spotlights and two floodlights, arranging them as needed.
    Juleff was quite meticulous, to get the proper pose and lighting for each model and their physique, Juleff would make several drawings to get it right.
    He was the first to widely use double exposures and create both dramatic and somber chiaroscuro effects with the lighting. -Rj

    1. Thank you for sharing the back story of these photos with the blog!


Helmut with shades and without.