Sunday, November 24, 2024

The guy with the flat top haircut I posted last week turns out to be Ray Copeland photographed by Milo. Brian E. provided the ID and several more photos of the young Mr. Copeland. Forgive me for removing the cigarette in his fingers in the bottom photo here. I hate cigarettes.



  1. Ray's eyes made me melt... the body made me hard!!!!

  2. You did a good job of removing his cigarette. I never would have known he was holding one.

  3. Pictures of guys smoking turn me off too!

  4. Wow, this man is beautiful, beautiful, lucky girl whoever marry him, thank you for sharing

  5. I’m with you on the cigarette thing. There’s nothing cheesier, stupider or filthier than someone with a cigarette. It’s an Immediately turn off with no hope for redemption. I know a few of them who made it to retirement but they weren’t healthy.


Glen Mills by Bruce.

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