Sunday, February 20, 2022

Man-spreading models. "The furry guy (2nd photo) is Jim Higgins." Thanks to Brian E in the comments! "I've seen the first man listed as Bill Brannon and the photographer as David Martin." - vintage fan 1952 shares his knowledge in the comments. Thanks again!



  1. So very nice!!! Both of these fellows could be called 'upstanding'citizens,especially the fellow in the top photo.

  2. Who are these handsome specimens of men in bull rut? Where can I find more pictures of them?

  3. The furry guy (2nd photo) is Jim Higgins. I wish I knew the ID of the other guy!

  4. Been thinking about these photos since yesterday. Back in the era of these photos, porn movie makers employed 'fluffers' to make sure that their male performers were ready for action. My question is, were fluffers also used to make sure that models like this were ready to be photographed?

    1. I've seen photos from this era where the models are looking at photos or reading to put them in the mood, but I've not heard of professionals employed just for this purpose. Who really knows though.

  5. I've seen the first man listed as Bill Brannon and the photographer as David Martin.

    1. Spot on with the ID as Bill Brannon. I knew I'd seen him before, but just couldn't put a name to a face.

  6. Bob, I've sent you my entire collection of Tom Douglas, Bill Brannon and Jim Higgins photos. I trust you'll enjoy them!

    1. Yes I got them and I sure do! Will share with the group soon!


Helmut with shades and without.