Saturday, November 16, 2024

Dick Saley



  1. I've seen the second poolside shot identified as Ralph Pfundstein shot by Champion Studios. Other shots by AMG, including one where he's labeled with Mizer's "credit board," would seem to verify this.

    OTOH, the bed shot may actually be Dick Saley-- who had a similar face and build-- shot by Bruce of LA, who did a set of duos with Saley and Steve Lewis. The face in this shot is very close to Saley's face in those photos, as is the hair pattern on the abs.

    Even though I haven't seen as many pictures of Saley, I'm pretty sure he was a different model and not just Pfundstein-- who had a notably full lower lip-- posing for BOLA under a new name.

    -- hsc


Glen Mills by Bruce.

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